Sunday, March 20, 2011

Eliminating the effect of the gas pipes in TRC


Eliminating the effect of the gas pipes in TRC 
Below is the "face" of the device:
A defect is not rare and it often leads to condemnation of the tube is the presence of gas inside.It often occurs in new pipes and then it is easy to remove, but in old tubes becomes more difficult.
This dysfunction leads to distortions in the brightness or focus of the unit. For example, when trying to fix the focus, changes occur also in the screen and vice versa, moving the screen and focus also changes.
When faced with such a defect, it is likely that the cause is the presence of gas inside the tube.But as this is not the only possible cause, make sure there are no leaks or bad contact in the socket of the pipe, before further action.
To eliminate the effect of the gas, it is necessary to fabricate a device using a tube socket. Must be attached with solder all pins, except the focus . Pins connected, you should solder a wire whose other end should have an alligator jaw. Focus on the pin, connect a wire High Isolation.Once done the device can be reused indefinitely, do not wear out and no breaks.
To make the discharge, 
the first ground the alligator clip on the mesh and then plug the device / socket on the tube.  Then, connect the monitor, hold the high-wire insulation and make the tip approaches the anode of the tube until it pops among them a blue spark. A flash will be visible inside the tube.
Just try and repeat if necessary.

It is extremely important to avoid accidents, the area near the tip of the wire that will be aligned to the anode, is complete and properly insulated. Take a "jolt" of 24,000 volts is no joke and can have serious consequences! 

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